Grand Master Instructor: Professor Coy Harry

Professor Coy Harry began his Martial Arts training with Mu duk kwan in Temple, Texas at age 8, reached green belt level, and fought in two tournaments.
He later began taking Matsukaze Karate at age 13 in Spring, Texas. This system was a combination of Karate, Judo and Hapkido with Chinese influences. Coy studied this art for two years under the instruction of Sensei Al Soloman. After leaving this system, Coy did not study a
specific system for some time. During this time he worked out with friends from the local R.O.T.C. who were prior service Rangers and Special Forces. Also during this time he began instructing hand to hand combat from the Army manual to local cadets.In 1994 Coy began studying Matsukaze Budo under Seneis Joe Lansdale and Terry Thoburn. While in Matsukaze Budo he earned the rank of 1st degree black belt in Matsukaze Budo, 1st degree black belt in Aikido, and 1st degree black belt in Maverick Kenpo. While studying Matsukaze Budo, Sensei Lansdale encouraged him to study other systems.
Taking the encouragement to heart, Coy began training in Arnis under Guro Hock Hochheim in which he earned the rank Advanced Level Two and a Basic Instructors License in Grandmaster Remy Presas’s Combat Arnis. During this time, Coy also began the study of Kyusho Jitsu with Grandmaster Rick Moneymaker, and from personal research. Seeking further knowledge, he began studying Combat Hapkido under Grandmaster John Pellegrini in which Coy earned 1st degree Black Belt ranking.
In 1995 Shihan Coy began to study Chi Gong and its applications to the martial arts as well as to enhance his knowledge and health. In 1996 he taught Chi Gong to an elderly lady for a time who suffered from ill health.
That brings us closer to present times and to Sensei Coy’s “home” school… In 1996 Sensei Joe Lansdale created Shen Chuan, Martial Science and Coy was promoted to the rank of instructor. Since that time, and the creation of Shen Chuan, he has been promoted to the rank of 8th degree Black Belt in Shen Chuan. He was also promoted to 2nd degree Black Belt in Combat Hapkido and 1st degree Black Belt in Daito Ryu Aikijitsu, U.S.A. under Sensei John Denora.
Grand Master Instructor: Professor Billy Jack Worsham

Professor Billy Jack (who was born BEFORE the movie of the same name) was introduced to self-defense at an early age. As he grew older, the need for some form of self-defense became evident, as he was small in stature for his age (and still is!). His father, who was in law enforcement, had been a boxer in high school. He began teaching Billy Jack boxing skills such as straight punches, jabs, blocks and added a few elbows and various other little “cheats”. As Billy Jack grew older, his father began teaching him defensive firearm and knife handling.
In 1985, Billy Jack entered college and R.O.T.C. He became friends with the hand to hand combat instructor and soon began studying with him both in R.O.T.C. and in private. The spark had been lit, and Billy Jack sought to expand his knowledge of empty hand self-defense.
In 1988 his father introduced him to Sabonim Dan Denny and the World Taekwondo Federation. After 7 months of instruction however, the task of juggling work, a new wife, and school forced him to take a hiatus from self-defense for a few years.
In the fall of 1994, Billy Jack began studying Taekwondo under Sabonim Richard Metteauer and the U.S.T.F. Upon receiving 6th Grade Green Belt ranking in the summer of 1995, he began studying Matsukaze Budo under the direction of Joe Lansdale and Terry Thoburn. He studied there until 1996 at which point he had achieved the rank of 6th Kyu Brown Belt.
At this point, Joe Lansdale opened up Lansdale’s Self-Defense Systems and the art of Shen Chuan. Billy Jack began studying Shen Chuan and received his Black Belt ranking on June 8, 1997. In 1998 he received his Instructors Certificate, and on December 10, 1998 received his Senior Instructor Certificate in the art of Shen Chuan. He is now a 8th Dan in Shen Chuan and holds a Master Instructorship in the system.